Why is a Balanced Diet Important?

Eating a balanced diet significantly impacts not only your physical health but also your mental health and relationship with food.  We hear it all the time, right? From friends and health practitioners alike. “Everyone must eat a balanced diet! A balanced diet is the best way to reach your balanced weight and optimize your health!”…

How to Stop Overeating During the Holidays

Do you often find yourself overeating during the holidays? If so, you’re not alone, and we can help. Keep reading to learn how to stop overeating during the holidays. The holidays come around every year, and with them comes an influx of emotions. Some are exciting and nostalgic, while others are more overwhelming and stressful.…

Chocolate Espresso Energy Balls

The next time you have an energy slump, make these Chocolate Espresso Energy Balls! Chocolate Espresso Energy Balls are a quick and easy snack to boost your energy levels with a little espresso and healthy fats to keep your hunger at bay. They’re made with dates which are rich in fiber and potassium and a…

Stewed Apples with Warming Spices

A simple recipe to make stewed apples without added sugar and with warming spices. Growing up in a Midwest family, we went all-out for Sunday morning breakfast. It always included my dad’s stewed apples, pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, and muffins. Now I’m bringing back those stewed apples NS style! I promise this is…

Eating to Lower Lp(a) 

What should we eat—and not eat—to lower the cardiovascular disease risk factor lipoprotein(a)? Lipoprotein A, also known as Lp(a), is an independent, genetic, and causal factor for cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. At any level of LDL cholesterol, our risk of heart attack and stroke is two- to three-fold higher when our Lp(a) is elevated.…

Eat Quinoa and Lower Triglycerides?

How do the nutrition and health effects of quinoa compare to other whole grains? “Approximately 90% of the world’s calories are provided by less than one percent of the known 250,000 edible plant species.” The big three are wheat, corn, and rice, and our reliance on them may be unsustainable, given the ongoing climate crisis.…

Obesity and a Toxic Food Environment 

Implausible explanations for the obesity epidemic serve the needs of food manufacturers and marketers more than public health and an interest in truth. When it comes to uncovering the root causes of the obesity epidemic, there appears to be manufactured confusion, “with major studies reasserting that the causes of obesity are ‘extremely complex’ and ‘fiendishly…

Corporate Influence and Our Epidemic of Obesity 

Like the tobacco industry adding extra nicotine to cigarettes, the food industry employs taste engineers to accomplish a similar goal of maximizing the irresistibility of its products. The plague of tobacco deaths wasn’t due just to the mass manufacturing and marketing of cheap cigarettes. Tobacco companies actively sought to make their products even more crave-able…